
PDF/Text to workflow converter. Maximize study time efficiency, see the most recurring topics over the years.


Studying for CS250 and other exams.

What it does:

The project takes pdf, txt and HTML files and uses user inputted topics to show the user the most useful information to study for an exam/test.

How we built it:

Using python for the backend data crunching and electronjs, JavaScript and HTML/CSS for the front end graphic design.

Challenges we ran into:

Working with different components in Electronjs and HTML. Many of the components caused issues in our code or straight up didnt work. One of our biggest issues was getting Javascript to run python files to edit JSON files. Python does not work well with JavaScript.

Accomplishments that we're proud of:

Smooth scrolling through the graphical display, clean professional look, simplistic design.

What we learned:

Learned a lot more about working with HTML and CSS along with learning more about more capabilities of JavaScript.

What's next:

Working on different ways to display the output and saving past exams for later review.

Built with:

Electronjs, Python, JavaScript, HTML/CSS

Prizes we're going for:

Grand Prize

$100 Amazon Gift Cards

Team Members

Caleb Coffin, Austin Geannopoulos, Zachary Schaffer, David Cincotta
View on Github