
A cute companion to aid you in lamp finding endeavours. The Moth-mobile mindlessly rams into the brightest object in the room, just like a real moth!


Moth meme

What it does:

Car of moth follow light

How we built it:

We used an arduino and light sensors to detect where the strongest light source relative to the car was, and constructed the body with cardboard. We connected wheels to the arduino to actually move the car.

Challenges we ran into:

One of the biggest challenges was figuring out how to actually make the wheels move in the direction we wanted. We had to figure out the angle we needed to move the car and how the wheels have to move relative to each other to achieve that angle.

Accomplishments that we're proud of:

This is the first time any of us incorporated both making our own hardware and implementing our own software.

What we learned:

It is extremely hard to cut corners in hardware projects, it is definitely very time consuming.

What's next:

We will mass produce them and then use them to take over all sources of light.

Built with:

Cardboard Arduino Uno 4 Light Sensors Wheels Battery Pack (a lot of wires) tape LED Lights Paper

Prizes we're going for:

Hexacopter Drone

Arteck HB030 Portable Keyboard

Grand Prize

$100 Amazon Gift Cards

Team Members

Aung Khant, Jerry Zeng, Adam Powell, Adam Skvorak
View on Github